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28 Ideas for Family Traditions

Looking for ideas for your Talk and Tradition time with your kids this summer? Check out iMOM’s 28 ideas for family traditions and get started!

1. Build a scrapbook

2. Bake cookies or cupcakes

3. Bargain shop at garage sales

4. Build something

5. For girls: give each other manicures

6. Create a living room fort

7. Have cuddle time

8. Dance to your favorite music

9. Do a craft

10. Eat at restaurants of different cultures

11. Exercise together

12. Fly a kite

13. Ride your bikes

14. Go swimming

15. Go on a picnic

16. Go to the beach, lake, or river

17. Go to the zoo

18. Enjoy spa time at home

19. Make dinner together

20. Plant and tend a garden together

21. Play board or card games

22. Play tennis, catch or throw a Frisbee

23. Play on the playground

24. Put a puzzle together

25. Go rollerblading

26. Lay under the stars

27. Walk around the neighborhood

28. Watch airplanes land at the airport


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