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4 Strategies for Stay-at-Home Mom Sanity

First, consider that stay-at-home moms have a lot on their plates.  Next, picture the job of stay at home moms as being similar to plate-spinners.  You know, those performers who keep lots of plates spinning at the same time.  For that kind of talent, stay at home moms need strategies for keeping themselves, and their household, sane.

1. Have a Plan. Some people think stay-at-home moms just flit through their days without any schedule or plan.  Well, you can approach the task that way, but it won’t work very well.  iMOM iSpecialist Kathy Peel says moms are Family Managers, and they need to see that job as deserving of their planning and strategizing.  So, get yourself on a pro-active schedule, instead of just responding to what pops up each day.

2. Stay Focused. Since no other adult is around to tell you what to do, it’s easy to lose focus and drift from one thing to the other.  It’s also easy to get distracted by answering “just one more email” or sitting in front of the TV for “just a few more minutes.”  Sure, you need down time in your day, but choose when to have it; don’t just drift into it.

3. Remember Job One. If you’re staying at home with your young children, remember that they are your top priority.  They are more important than your housekeeping, your scrapbooking, your errand-running, or your web surfing.  Fill their days and yours with one-on-one time and little screen time (that includes iPads – even for educational apps and games, educational TV shows and videos, and playing on your phone).

4. Get Your “Me Time.”  This can be very difficult if you have young children at home, but it’s still possible.  Nap time is the easiest way for you to get your alone time, but if you have reluctant nappers, start a quiet time policy.  Send your kids to their rooms for a set amount of time for quiet play or looking at books.  If your children are very small, put them in their cribs with safe toys.  A mom who gets time for herself is a better mom… and a saner mom!


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