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Product Safety and Recalls

As modern moms, we’re blessed with superstores filled with an ever-expanding line of products to make caring for children and running a household easier. The staggering number of new products however means that some are sold before they’re adequately tested for safety.

It pays to routinely check the product recall websites for items like cribs, car seats, strollers and toys you may own.  This is one-stop shopping for consumers, as this site combines the recall information related to a wide variety of things including consumer products, motor vehicles, food, medicine, cosmetics and environmental products. Both the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the FDA are contributors to the database. Our favorite feature is the Mobile Application. Adding this app to your smart phone will allow you to check for recalls on a product while you’re shopping. This is especially helpful if you are buying a second-hand item at a garage sale or flea market. It even shows you photos of the recalled item so you can be sure you’re referencing the right thing. This is another comprehensive database, organized into easy-to-navigate sections such as Child Safety, Auto Safety or Household Safety. Consumer Watch offers information about which products have been formally recalled, and also serves as a watchdog organization to make sure that manufacturers are meeting the standards set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Safe Kids USA is a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing childhood injuries. Their site offers a detailed listing of recalled products related to children, and a multitude of other resources to help moms spot danger before kids get hurt.


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