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Start Summer Days With a Win in 4 Simple Steps

Ah, the lazy days of summer. It’s nice to kick back and relax. But instead of sleeping in, not brushing their hair, and watching hours of TV, could we inspire our kids to actually be productive? Your kids might rebel at the plan at first, but hear me out. Summer productivity isn’t an oxymoron. It could look like reading a book, trying a new hobby, or simply getting out of their PJs (start small!).

Here are 4 easy ways to help your kiddo start their summer days well. You’ll see they’re pretty simple, because after all, it still IS the summer. But we think these tiny tweaks can reap big rewards.

1. Take care of yourself.

If we want our kiddos to have a great and productive summer, we need to take care of ourselves first. Getting children motivated is a lot more work than letting them stay in their pajamas and watch TV all day. Make sure you are doing things that set you up for success first. Fit in a morning workout, some reading, or a fresh shower. They’re always watching and modeling us!

2. Guzzle a glass of water.

The first thing I do every morning is reach for my water bottle on my nightstand. Our brain is made up of over 70% water, so chugging some H2O in the morning basically gives it fuel, preventing fatigue or mood fluctuations. Encourage your kids to reach for water first thing. Get them a water bottle just like mom’s, a kid-sized nightstand or a personalized coaster. They’ll feel super grown up and you’ll know they are making a healthy choice in the first minute of the day.

3. Set them up for small victories.

Help your child set summer goals. Perhaps it’s reading a certain amount of pages or books by the end of summer. Or maybe learning a new skill or hobby. Is this the summer your child wants to pursue a sport or art class they’ve always been curious about? Help them dream up some goals they can strive for throughout the summer. Then make sure your house is prepped. If they want to work on their art skills, leave the art supplies out on a corner table. Summer is a great time to relax the rules and make room for creativity.

4. Affirmation and affection

The hectic pace of school mornings often leads to mom yelling, kids fighting and lots of searching for shoes and homework. Summer mornings are a great time to shower our kids with extra affirmation and affection. From the moment they get up, greet your child with a hug and smile.

Whenever they meet a goal or have a productive day, praise them and hug them! And be specific. When my son wakes up, brushes his teeth, and gets play clothes on, I try to remember to point out that I’m proud of his initiative. “Look at you, the go-getter!” For kids who are used to feedback about grades, the summer is a great time to give them affirmation that is connected to their character.

What are some things you’ve done to help your kiddo have summer productivity? 


What are some things you’d like to accomplish this summer?

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