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Top 10 Lessons from an Awesome Marriage

My best friend from college has amazing parents. I remember when I met them. They were visiting campus and took my friend and me for ice cream.  They were probably in their early to mid-forties at the time, and seemed so polished and sophisticated . But what I really noticed was how kind they were to each other, and that they held hands!  Flash forward to their 50th wedding anniversary.  To celebrate, their four children put together a list of the top 10 lessons from their awesome marraigeThe list is a reflection of what can be passed on to children when a mom and dad are committed to each other, and to the job of being like-minded in raising their children.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

1. Don’t Brag. Others may not have what you have.

2. Do your part. Community services examples of giving back as hospital Candy Striper, campaign volunteer, church volunteer, Girl Scout Leader, baseball coach, PTA, etc.

3. Strong work ethic. “Your current job is your reference for your next job.”

4. Fair and inclusive treatment of others. Including/inviting elderly friends to join our family in church or various celebrations, visiting elderly neighbors, etc.

5. Generous Hospitality. Open home to others; organized gatherings to bring neighbors, work groups, volunteers together; Christmas Open House, etc.

6. Carry out your commitments/Follow Through. Don’t Quit – i.e. for me, church bell choir.

7. Respect Authority. Example: Dorothy, Mrs. Holmes, Babysitters, Teachers, Coaches, Bosses, etc.

8. Consequences for Actions/Responsibility. Example: if you don’t get up in time to go to church, the consequence is staying inside the rest the day; knowing that if you do “this”, then you must deal with “that”.

9. Manners/Consideration for others. “Yes Sir”, “No Ma’am”; open door for anyone needing it; stand up when people enter the room, etc.

10 Respectful Relationship/Strong Marriage. Compliment each other; never talk badly about the other; back each other up; hand holding; enjoy each other’s company, friendship (seem to like and admire each other); spend special time together; sense of humor…

Thank you for teaching these lessons and values by living them individually and through your committed marriage.


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