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6 Volunteer Opportunities for Your Teen

If your teen can’t find a paying job this summer, don’t worry. It can still be a very productive break from school if they invest the time wisely. Teens who volunteer with a local church, non-profit or charity can help others while opening doors of opportunity for themselves. Volunteering helps them to gain valuable skills, beef up their resumes, and improve their chances of landing a paying job next time around!

Check out some of these volunteer service opportunities for teens:

1. Nonprofit

Many highly-reputable nonprofit agencies offer volunteer opportunities designed specifically for youth. Check out the American Red CrossHabitat for Humanity, or your local hospital for more info on teen options.

2. Summer Camp

Has your child attended a summer camp or day camp in the past? Many of these organizations offer CIT (Counselor in Training) positions to past campers or other qualified teens.

3. Churches and Ministries

Many churches and ministries coordinate mission trips for teens. Young people raise the funds needed for the mission in the months prior to the trip, and travel to domestic and international destinations to serve. Check with churches in your community for more information.

4. Cultural

Local cultural entities such as the public library or art museums often have junior docent or volunteer reader programs open to teens.

5. Food Bank

Local rescue missions and food banks need volunteers, too. Whether in meal prep or clean-up, or administrative and organizational tasks, there’s a lot a responsible teen can contribute.

6. Humane Society

If your child is an animal-lover or an outdoorsy type, he could volunteer with the local animal shelter or an environmental organization.

These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg! Lots of local charitable organizations in your area will have a role for your teen to play—all you have to do is ask. For more ideas for volunteer opportunities for your teen, use this community service search.


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