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20 Questions to Ask Your Husband After Work

My sons sat on either side of me at the dining room table. They plugged away at math homework. One’s dividing decimals and the other’s regrouping. I clicked along on my laptop, and we all heard the garage door open. My husband was home! He walked in, gave me a kiss, and I said, “How was work?” He walked away, mumbling that it was fine and a little exhausting.

My younger son, in his 9-year-old wisdom, said, “That’s like asking us how school was. You should ask him a fun question like who he sat with at lunch.” I laughed as I thought about using my after-school questions on my husband, but my son was right. If I asked him a shallow question, I was going to get a shallow answer. If you’re ready to have better conversations, too, I came up with some fun questions to ask your husband after work (and maybe after giving him an hour to decompress). Here are 20.

If you ask a shallow question, you should expect a shallow answer. Click To Tweet


I realize that as you scan this list of interesting or fun questions to ask your husband after work, you might feel your eyes start to roll. They’re quite a departure from the standard “How was your day, dear?” You might feel silly asking something this intentional and, well, thoughtful. I tried one on my husband and held back laughter.

Lessen the awkwardness by telling your husband in advance that you’re going to get creative. Don’t fire the question at him while he still has his car keys in his hand. Give him time to get settled. Ask him one over dinner or while the two of you are buzzing around the house getting your evening routines underway.

Creative Questions

  1. What did you listen to on your drive?
  2. What made you laugh today?
  3. What was the toughest part of your workday?
  4. If you could get a do-over on any part of the day, what would you pick?
  5. What part of your day made you feel good?
  6. What part of your day helped you remember your passion for your work?
  7. How can I pray for you tonight?
  8. What are you most looking forward to about tomorrow?
  9. How can I help you decompress?
  10. How do you feel about your workload right now?
  11. What’s the best part of your job?
  12. Who at work do you get along with best?

Light-Hearted Questions

I laughed at my son’s suggestion that I ask my husband who he sat with at lunch, but some days do call for a more light-hearted question. If your husband is tired or stressed over work and doesn’t want to talk about the business side of his day, ask one of these fun questions.

  1. Who did you eat with and what did you talk about?
  2. A documentary spoof is being made about your office. Who plays your boss?
  3. If you could promote anyone at work, who would you pick other than yourself, of course?
  4. What app did you use the most today?
  5. If you could relocate your office, where would you like it to be?
  6. If you could add any fun feature to your office, what would it be?
  7. What’s a spot in your office where we could sneak a kiss?
  8. If you could have one celebrity work for your company, who would you pick?

What else can you add to my list of interesting or fun questions to ask your husband after work?

Want an article to share with your husband? Send him 5 Questions to Ask Your Wife from All Pro Dad.


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