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Share what kind of mom you are!

Get to know other mom types!

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If someone asked you what kind of mom you are,
would you start thinking of the kind of mom you are not?

We love to focus on our shortcomings, but the MOM I AM personality test will tell you your  S T R E N G T H S  so you can tackle parenting with what comes naturally.

We are all passionate moms with different gifts. Some of us are Perfect Moms, some are Popular Moms, some are Powerful Moms, and some are Peaceful Moms. All of us are good moms! Take the test, share it with your friends, and celebrate the friendship that brings all those gifts together for the good of all—including our kids.

Submit your email below to take the test!

If someone asked you what kind of mom you are, would you start thinking of the kind of mom you are not?

We love to focus on our shortcomings, but the MOM I AM personality test will tell you your  S T R E N G T H S  so you can tackle parenting with what comes naturally.

We are all passionate moms with different gifts. Some of us are Perfect Moms, some are Popular Moms, some are Powerful Moms, and some are Peaceful Moms. All of us are good moms! Take the test, share it with your friends, and celebrate the friendship that brings all those gifts together for the good of all—including our kids.

Submit your email below to take the test!
