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Good Character Traits Printable: Generosity

Generosity doesn’t come easily to some children. You might see it in your own family. One child shares everything while another holds tightly to that last cookie or his matchbox car. If generosity is a struggle for your child, take heart! Teaching generosity to kids is something parents can do with a little thoughtfulness and of course, by example. 

Teaching kids about generosity takes creativity. iMOM’s Good Character Traits printable is a big help. We’ve designed a calendar to help you focus on a different trait each month, but if your child needs an extra focus on generosity, this printable can be used at any time of the year. It includes a definition you can cut out and hang on the fridge or the mirror in your child’s bathroom (or both). There’s also a Bible verse to offer direction and encouragement. 

Part of teaching generosity to kids is having discussions about the trait and how it relates to life, so we’ve included a conversation starter question to dig deeper. It’s guaranteed to help your child think differently about generosity. We’re so confident that these tools along with our calendar and its accompanying stickers will lead to great things for your child that the printable page includes a reward certificate with space for you to write how you saw your child being generous. If you really want to reinforce the lesson, you can print a handful and give a certificate to your child weekly. And because we know kids love rewards, each Good Character Trait printable comes with a coupon to give your child. Use our reward, or come up with one of your own that you know will be a big incentive. Teaching generosity to kids is worth the hard work you’re going to put in. 

Generosity is just one of 12 character traits we want to help you build in your kids. Here are more. 

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