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10 Things Your Child Should Always Remember

Ask your child, “What’s something I always tell you to remember?” You’ll get all sorts of answers, like “my shoes,” “to flush,” and, hopefully, “that you love me.” Some lessons are for every day, but there are some things you learn as a child that moms hope children will keep with them for a lifetime.

It’s easy to focus more on the minor things (like shoes) and neglect the big messages we want our kids to hold on to. That takes thoughtfulness and slowing down. It’s possible though! Need some help thinking about what matters most to you? Here are 10 things our children learn early that they should always remember.

1. Your smile can brighten a room.things you learn as a child list

A baby’s toothless smile makes even a sleep-deprived mom beam. Your attitude can change other people’s for good and bad.

2. Sometimes, following is OK.

“Follow the leader” wouldn’t be a very fun game if everyone wanted to lead. We need good helpers and supporters as much as we need strong leaders.

3. Treats are essential.

It doesn’t need to be a special occasion to dress up, give a gift, or enjoy something sweet.

4. A hug can make a day better.

You have the ability to make someone feel better with a simple touch.things you learn as a child list pink

5. Rain makes the rainbows come out.

Storms are scary, but there’s usually something beautiful afterward.

6. Trading snacks can turn a bad lunch around.

My chips for your fruit snacks? Heck yeah! Cooperation and sharing make life better.

7. Sometimes you need to cut out bad things.

Any kid who’s gotten gum stuck in his or her hair knows that when something doesn’t fit, sometimes the only way to make things better is to cut it out.

8. A little applause goes a long way.things you learn as a child list teal

You walked? Applause! You tied your shoes? Applause! You counted to 10? Applause! Encouragers are important. Be an encourager to the people in your life.

9. Believe in goodness.

If you believe that good things are coming, they probably are. Remember to look for the good in every person and try to be the goodness others see.

10. I’m always here.

Little ones trust that Mom will always be there when they cry out from bed or take a stumble. Even if we’re not in the next room, we’ll come running when you need us.

Remember to look for the good in every person and try to be the goodness others see. Click To Tweet

What are some things you learned as a child that you want your son or daughter always to remember?

One of our favorite mom-friends, Ellie Holcomb, wrote a sweet children’s book called Don’t Forget to Remember. In it, she takes what we see all around us from sunrise to sunset to remind our kids of what is true. We love the message of Ellie’s book so much that we created three free Don’t Forget to Remember printables so you can write your own list for your kids. Add truths, wisdom, and words of love that you want them always to remember. You can frame the list and put it in your child’s bedroom, send it to your college student in a care package, or seal it in an envelope and give it as a gift on a special birthday.


What is something I tell you to always remember?

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