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17 Ways to Connect With Your Husband in One Day

Do you ever wonder how to feel close to your spouse when life is so busy that you feel like two ships passing in the night? Actually, “ships in the night” is generous. Ships are somewhat slow-moving. Sometimes I think my husband and I pass like two NASCAR racers heading in opposite directions with a huge grassy median between us. We just shout additions to the grocery list out the window.

Sometimes, it’s not days but months that go by with no connection. So you go out for dinner. But then you spend that time talking about the kids and not actually investing in each other. And that’s a lot of pressure to put on one date. So let’s spread it out and simplify. Here are 17 ways to connect with your husband—one per hour from the start of the day ’til bedtime.

You might not be able to do all these in one day. Some might fit better on the weekend. The point is that there are little ways to be more intentional with your words and actions that can lead to a closer connection and intimacy. So pick a few and try them today!

6 a.m.

Look him in the eyes and say good morning. Give him a kiss while you’re still in bed.

7 a.m.

Text him while he’s in the shower. Tell him you think he’s sexy.

8 a.m. 

Pray for him. Pray that your husband has a good day and knows he is loved by you and the kids.

9 a.m. 

Send him an email with a link to a song that makes you think of him.

10 a.m. 

Smile at him and mouth the words, “I love you.”

11 a.m. 

Tell him something you will always remember about your first date.

Want to know how to feel close to your spouse even when you disagree? Click here. 

12 p.m.

Drop off lunch or have it delivered to his office.

1 p.m.

Tell him, “I’m glad I married you because…”

2 p.m.

Thank him for something he’s done recently that you appreciated.

3 p.m.

Give the kids a note to give him that says, “Will you go out with me? Check yes or no.” The kids will love being part of the romance.

4 p.m.

Send him a text that says, “Hope you’re home soon. I miss you.”

Want more romance via text? Here are 10 texts to send your husband in the next 10 days.

5 p.m.

Pour two glasses of wine, let the kids watch tv in another room, and make dinner together with music on.

6 p.m.

Stop what you’re doing and listen to his story. Turn your body toward to feel close to your spouse share your love story

7 p.m.

Turn off your phone and play our printable “Mom and Dad Love Story Quiz” as a family.

8 p.m.

If you’re sitting far apart on the couch, move to sit next to him.

9 p.m.

Start a hot shower and invite him in.

10 p.m. 

Kiss him goodnight and tell him you are grateful to have every day with him.

When life is busy, what are little things you can do to help you and your husband connect?


What’s something we can do for Dad to show him we love him?

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