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Which of These 9 Mom Strengths Do You Have?

As I spread frosting on my son’s cake, little chocolate crumbs started mixing in with the frosting, making it look gritty and dirty. I must’ve been using the wrong kind of spatula. I struggled my way around the cake and thought about my friend Laura, whose 12-year-old daughter is an amazing baker. She has a natural gift, but Laura has also helped her daughter hone her craft by arranging for her to work with a professional baker and signing her up for cake decorating courses.

As I thought more about how wonderfully supportive Laura is of her kids and their dreams, I realized two things: She’s really got a knack for that, and I’m not that mom. When my kids express interest in something, I don’t always come up with ways to champion it. So, I wondered, what’s my strength or my knack? If you’re not sure about yours either, remember that every mom has strengths and weaknesses. I bet one of these 9 qualities of a good mother is your strength.

Every mom has strengths and weaknesses. Click To Tweet

1. You’re super organized and chore chart

You have a color-coded calendar for meals, activities, and appointments, and in your home, everything has its place. You provide structure, clear rules, and reliable routines. Your kids love your stability and know everything’s taken care of when they’re with you. You probably already have one, but in case you need a fresh look, check out our free printable chore chart for the family.

2. Your door is always open.

When the kids want a place to play, your house is the number one choice. You are warm, relational, and thoughtful, and you know how to make your kids and their friends feel loved. Oh, and no one ever goes home hungry.

3. You’re a cheerleader.

Can your kids do it? With your vote of confidence, yes they can! You challenge your kids to go after goals, finish what they start, and accomplish tasks efficiently. You love a goodyou can do it achievement chart and the more gold stars the better! By the way, have you seen our cute “You Can Do It!” chart?

4. You’re emotional (in a good way).

When your kiddo tells you a sad story about a friend at school, your eyes fill with tears. You feel all the feels all the time. What a gift you are to your children by helping them accept their feelings and see the beauty in the world around them.

5. You’re a thinker.

You are probably the quiet one in your group of friends, and you sit back and observe your kids more than any other parenting move. You encourage learning and knowledge, and you have a knack for thinking before you speak. Of all the qualities of a good mother, this might be one of the rarest to find in a mom today.

6. You’ve got a radar for trouble.

Most moms worry a little, but you can look at most any situation and sense where the danger lies. This makes you great at ensuring your child’s environment is well thought out and secure. Your child never worries about safety when he or she is with you!

7. You’re a big ball of fun.mother daughter bucket list

When you chaperone a field trip, every kid wants to be in your group. In your family, before one adventure is wrapping up, you’re already planning the next one. You like to try new things, you’re playful and flexible, and your spontaneity gives your kids permission to go outside the lines. You’ve probably got a mental bucket list going, so here are some more ideas for you and your daughter. Moms of boys, here’s a bucket list for you!

8. You’re the mama bear of all mama bears.

Don’t mess with you! Your kids know you’ve got their backs. You have high standards and you’re not afraid to be bold and assertive. You might be intimidating to others, but to your kids, you’re a hero.

9. You’re open-minded.

“I understand” comes out of your mouth a lot because you’re great at seeing other points of view and working toward compromise. You know it’s not all about you and you pass that message on to your kids. As your kids grow into their unique personalities, your easy-going attitude will make them comfortable to come to you to talk.

Which of these 9 qualities of a good mother can you most identify with? Which one can you relate to the least? (For me, I connect with 1 the most and 8 the least.)


Can you name a strength of each person in our family?

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