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Are You So Overwhelmed You Can’t Move?

It’s not unexpected that many women have uttered the words – either aloud or to themselves – I feel overwhelmed. And, of course, they feel overwhelmed! They’re often bearing the heavy weight of all of their responsibilities (and their family’s)! At some point, moms just roll to a stop – out of necessity.

Content Director Susan Merrill can relate. She took a break from her blog for four months because she need to put her family first, keep up with her full time job, and deal with health issues.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Kind of stuck? Like you just can’t move?

Continue Reading “Are You So Overwhelmed You Can’t Move?” over at Susan Merrill’s Blog, An Open Door…

Share with us… What do you do when you feel like you have reached your limit?


How do you talk yourself into doing something you need to when you don’t want to?

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