The Perfectly Passionate Mom Are you over-analyzing whether you did the test correctly? Then you probably did. Your standards are high, but your capacity to love and give is higher. Here’s a well-earned gold star to celebrate you!

The Peacefully Passionate Mom You’re even-keeled, wise, and patient. Do your kids know they hit the mom jackpot? The world is a sweeter place because of moms like you, so give yourself a celebratory hug!

The Powerfully Passionate Mom We’ll follow you anywhere! You’re not afraid to take the lead and stand up for what is right. We bet your kids are in awe of your strength. So flex those muscles and celebrate!

The Popularly Passionate Mom You’re the life of your family’s party, for sure. But you also breathe life and love into any room you enter. So snap a selfie, text a friend, and celebrate you!

Pick one word in each row of four that best describes you. If you’re stuck, think back to when you were younger.

(Taken from Florence Littauer’s Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself)

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