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Don’t Fear the Mom Bod

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Why does “mom bod” sound so different from “dad bod?” This week, Chloe talks about how her relationships with her body and food give her a little anxiety about pregnancy. Everyone described her sister-in-law as “adorable” when she was pregnant because she was so small and all belly. So what’s the opposite? If you aren’t small when you’re pregnant, are you scary, gross, or unattractive? When you’re pregnant, your body isn’t just your own anymore. You’re sharing it with another person and that tiny person does some crazy things! It’s tough for women who like to have control over food and weight to relinquish control for nine months. Susan, Megan, and Abby chime in to share their experiences with weight gain and loss, and the beauty of letting your body change with pregnancy.

And why do dads get to have “dad bods?” Maybe it’s not a desirable shape, but it suggests that he is happy with his family and spending a little less time in the gym. Meanwhile, women are not only expected to have a six-pack after pregnancy, they are supposed to get it within three months!

Hopefully, motherhood has helped you love and appreciate your body. It helped grow a human! Beyond pregnancy, our children can help us see physical characteristics differently. In this episode, Abby shares a story about her sons having deep brown eyes like her. She always thought her eyes were dull until she admired them in her son. How would our perceptions of ourselves be kinder and less critical if we saw ourselves through the eyes of a mother who loves and adores her child?

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What do you love about your body because your kids love it? What do you think about “mom bod” vs. “dad bod?” Tell us in the comments. 

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