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Instinct vs Internet

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How do moms listen to their parenting instincts when the internet, influencers, and mom friends are so convincing? Add in some sleep deprivation and you can see why we’re overwhelmed by all the decisions. Megan, who’s a mom of a toddler and pregnant with baby number two, shares her story about whether to sleep train, which sparks a conversation about the pressure to buy into the latest parenting trend.

If you bring up any newborn parenting topic—feeding, sleep, diapers—you’ll find people who are passionate about one side versus the other. This is especially true for sleep training, which is why Megan’s story about her two friends who were on opposite sides of the argument will probably sound familiar. How do you know what to do when friends are trying to convince you their way works? How do you trust your instincts when everything is so new and every decision feels important? And how do you take in the advice and apply it when your own lifestyle might be totally different from the person you’re learning from?

One thing the iMOM team discusses is the power of the internet to influence you. Search “organic baby food” and you’ll start seeing ads for organic food pop up on web pages. You’ll scroll past articles arguing organic is the only option for babies. It’s incredibly difficult for moms to stay balanced in their opinions when we’re being served one side of an issue. That’s not to say there are not a lot of great resources on the internet and in the opinions of friends. So it’s all about balance. We’ll talk about how to strike that balance and feel at peace.

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When to Trust Your Parenting Instincts

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In the comments below, tell us about a time you trusted your instinct over the internet or other moms. 

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