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Mom, I’m Going to Microwave My Underwear

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Has your child ever asked to do something odd, experimental, or just inconvenient for you? Did you say yes or no? In this episode, Abby tells the story of the time her son declared, “Mom, I’m going to microwave my underwear.” She admitted she wanted to say no. She didn’t see the point, since she knew nothing would happen. And then there’s the fact that it’s a little gross. But she held back from her usual “no” and is glad she did. If you have a curious child or are inclined to say no more often than yes, this episode will help you see the benefit of letting go of control.

Why is the default response of most moms no instead of yes? Is it because we’re tired? Are we fearful? Or is it because we don’t see the value in letting a curious child try the strange experiment, trick, or hobby she’s asking to do? It’s probably a combination of the three. But once you realize the benefit of allowing your children to do the things you want to say no to, the yeses come a little more easily.

We also talk about how to help a child develop a sense of curiosity when that child isn’t eager to learn. If kids are easily bored or resort to screens for entertainment, they need a little push. That can come from you in the form of a two-word phrase we’ll discuss and show you how to put into practice.

Articles We Mentioned

Why I Let My Son Microwave His Underwear
8 Easy Ways to Be a Fun Mom
This 2-Word Phrase Will Make Your Child a Better Learner
5 Ways to Keep the Mom Fear at Bay

Have you ever said an unexpected yes to your kids? How did they react? Tell us in the comments. 

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