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Rules: Better Bent Than Broken

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Rules make the world go ‘round and keep families in order, but how do you know when it’s OK to bend or change them? In this week’s story, Susan shares a time when her family’s rule about sleepovers changed because of a choice Megan made.

Are you a rule follower or a rule bender? Are your kids just like you? Enforcing rules with kids is tricky because we want them to respect our authority and know our rules are made in their best interest, but we also don’t want them to think they have to blindly follow rules they disagree with. After all, what they experience with us in a family setting is preparing them for life outside the family.

Do you ever fear what will happen if one of the rules you’ve put in place for your kids gets challenged? If your child comes to you and says, “Mom, I don’t think this rule is fair and here’s why,” what would you do? Some parents see it as disrespectful while others welcome the conversation. After all, sometimes our kids have outgrown the rules we put in place years ago. In today’s episode, we talk through the three questions that will help you decide when it’s a good idea to adjust the rules.

Kids also learn about rules by watching us and every adult knows there are some occasions when it’s OK, or even wise, to bend the rules. But how do you teach your child that it’s OK in some cases but not others? It’s not so black and white, but there are moments that pop up in a regular day that can illustrate the three times rules can be bent.

Articles We Mentioned

3 Times It’s OK to Bend the Rules
3 Questions to Help You Decide When to Bend Your Rules

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Have you ever bent or changed a family rule because your child proved he or she could handle it? Tell us in the comments below.

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