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Sorry Not Sorry

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If you’re in the wrong, apologizing to your kids feels like the right thing to do, right? In today’s episode, Chloe talks about a popular iMOM article in which one of our writers confesses to over-apologizing to her kids. She suggests there are three times parents should think twice before apologizing. Listen to “Sorry Not Sorry” and tell us if you agree. It’s natural to want to mend the relationship after yelling at or disciplining your child. But what if your child comes to expect an apology from you? How does that impact the message you’re trying to send with the discipline?

Some women apologize too much in general, not just to their kids. Is that you? Do you say sorry for something that is not an offense or not your fault? The podcast team talks about what you’re communicating when you say sorry at times it’s not warranted. If “sorry” is your default, this conversation will help you be more intentional with your words.

Maybe for you, “sorry” doesn’t mean anything. It could be that it’s not your apology language. Did you know that just like there are five love languages, there are five apology languages, too? Expressing regret, accepting responsibility, making restitution, planned change, and requesting forgiveness are the five ways most people communicate an apology. The ladies discuss one at a time and try to figure out which one they prefer to use and which one means the least. Imagine if you could know the apology language for your husband and kids. Game changer!

Articles We Mentioned

3 Times Moms Should Think Twice Before Apologizing

Are You Saying Sorry Too Much?

Which of the 5 Apology Languages Do You Speak?

Should I Make My Child Apologize? 

The 5 Apology Languages

Do you think parents should apologize to their kids? Is it possible to over-apologize? 

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