What Is the Real Meaning of Halloween?

Parts of Halloween can seem so innocent – little princesses, superheroes, and lions going door to door for treats. But as Halloween celebrations have become creepier, many have started shunning the holiday completely. To help you decide what’s right for your family, here’s what we’ve found about the real meaning of Halloween.

Personalized Pumpkins

These cute personalized pumpkins are great for Halloween, Thanksgiving or anytime this Fall. Use multiple pumpkins to spell out a spooky word, your last name, or let your children monogram a pumpkin of their own.

Fall Activity Sign-Ups

Now is the time to determine which sports and other after-school activities your kids want to participate in this Fall, and make decisions about which ones are the best fit for your child and your family. Assess Last Year If your daughter took piano lessons last year but hated it, making the whole experience a source of stress for you and her, think long and hard before re-committing.

Halloween Safety Tips Every Parent Needs to Know

Remember when finding a razor blade in candy was every parent’s fear on Halloween? Sure, it’s possible, but pretty unlikely. Like many other fears, focusing on extreme cases causes parents to neglect other more likely dangers. If your kids are dressing up and going door to door or heading to a trunk or treat, be […]

Fun Ideas for Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents’ Day Love List Help your children make a love list for their grandparents by asking them the following questions: What do you love most about Grandma? What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re with Grandpa? The best day I ever spent with grandma was when we… Grandpa makes me feel special when he… I know Grandma loves me because she… I love Grandpa more than I love (chocolate chip cookies, Disney World, etc.) What are three words you would use to describe Grandma?