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3 Times to Let Your Husband Be Right

“Why are you staying in the left lane?” my husband asked as I drove us home from our daughter’s softball game. We were the only two people in the car and the only car on the four-lane road. “I don’t know,” I said, annoyed he had abruptly changed the subject in the middle of our conversation. “Well, you need to get over,” he said, “That’s the rule of the road.”

He was right, but this exchange soured my good mood. I stubbornly kept driving in the left lane, which upset him. We spent the evening irritated with each other because I refused to admit I was wrong. But sometimes, it’s a good idea just to listen to your husband and let him be right. Here are 3 of those times.

1. When He Is Right

I knew my husband was right about the driving law when I stubbornly continued driving in the left lane until it ended. Still, I was hurt and confused when he critiqued my driving and ended a good conversation. I admit I pouted and continued driving in a way that upset him.

Even though I was annoyed, I should have accepted that I was wrong and changed lanes. Our entire evening would have been different. The simple act of following traffic laws could have kept us from arguing and wasting our precious alone time.

Whether it’s because of pride, stubbornness, or anger, letting go of being right is hard. Still, sometimes it’s important to listen to your husband, admit you’re wrong, and move on.

Whether it’s because of pride, stubbornness, or anger, letting go of being right is hard. Click To Tweet

2. When It’s Inconsequential

I told my husband that the new restaurant we were at had once been a tavern, but he said the tavern had been across the street. He was conversational, not confrontational, but I was annoyed because I knew I was right. The conversation moved on, and we had a pleasant meal.

Once we got home, I found an old town map online and shoved it in my husband’s face. I had proof I was right! He was confused and upset, not because I was right but because I was determined to rehash an inconsequential argument he didn’t even know we were having.

Letting the little things go can be difficult at the moment but worth it in the long run. Enjoying time with your husband is more important than being right, especially when it’s not a big deal.

3. When He Compliments You

A friend confided in me that her husband never complimented her anymore. In the early days of their marriage, he noticed when she wore a cute new outfit and often told her she was beautiful. She was worried that his lack of compliments meant he no longer found her attractive. When she asked him about the change, she was shocked to learn that he stopped complimenting her because she never accepted the compliment.

A lot of wives have done the same thing as my friend. A husband tells his wife she’s beautiful in her dress, and she brushes it off, saying she’s had this dress for years. He tells her that the chicken casserole she made for dinner is delicious, and she says, “Well, not as good as my mother’s.” He mentions he’s impressed with how well she keeps up with the kids’ schedules, and she insists it’s just part of being a mom.

Accept the compliment. Listen to your husband when he expresses his love for you through words and take in the affirmation. Believe your husband when he tells you the things he admires about you.

Do you struggle to listen to your husband and let him be right, even when he is? What’s getting in the way?


Why do you think people sometimes keep arguing even when they know they’re wrong?

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