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3 Words to Remember With a Difficult Toddler

My friend kept a fast pace as we walked. She’d had a rough couple days with her 3- and 6-year-olds, and she needed to vent. “And then,” she said, “Kaylee bit Lucy on the back and left a huge imprint! Ugh! I’m so fed up with those two!” She threw up her arms. I sympathized! Even though my kids are older now, I remember those years very clearly. Some days, the naughtiness never let up—a child who threw food on the floor, refused to open wide for teeth brushing, and wouldn’t let me slather sunscreen on her pudgy cheeks or stick his little arms in a jacket. Phew! My kids could give me a workout just trying to get them out the door. My friend is a great mom, but even the best get worn out when challenged too much and too often.

I told my friend if I could rewind time and do some things differently, I would. With a difficult toddler, here are 3 words to help you get through this challenging season of parenting.

1. Don’t

“Don’t put Lamby in the toilet!” my sister-in-law shouted as her toddler cackled gleefully over the bowl. “I don’t know how he got ahold of Lamby,” she told me later. “But it’s not the first time he’s thrown one of his sister’s toys in the toilet.” I didn’t ask if the water was clean.

Your toddler may be having fun, but don’t let him do things he shouldn’t. Toddlers like to push boundaries to see how far they can go. So if he tries to sneak out of his booster seat without trying the potatoes, try to have him take a bite first.  It’s exhausting standing up to an obstinate or difficult toddler, but he’s learning from you what’s acceptable and what he can get away with. Looking the other way when he snatches another child’s toy truck or when he tears off his pants and runs around the house won’t help him learn. I know it’s hard, especially when you’re worn out, but you can do this. Don’t give up!

Print out our 10 Ways to Pray for Your Toddler, and keep it folded in your pocket to use when you need to take a moment, sit, and breathe. prayer for our children

2. Give

“Give Danny back his crayon,” I told my young son as the toddler next to him started to cry. “Then you can pick another one from the cup.” I pointed at the red plastic cup at the center of the table. My son scrunched up his face but handed Danny the crayon.

When your child misbehaves or does something he shouldn’t, give him directions about what he should do instead. Little ones are learning the right way to behave every day. Give him a short explanation if he does something he shouldn’t: “Honey, we don’t do that. We keep our spoons on our tray!” “You could hurt Fido, and Fido might bite.” Then tell him, “If you do it again, you won’t be allowed to have any more food/play with Fido.” Giving your toddler directions, an explanation, or a warning lets him know what’s acceptable and allows him to correct himself and do better. Don’t give up!

3. Up

Up until now in your parenting journey, you may have thought, This is hard but doable. But then your baby turned into a curious and possibly difficult toddler. And suddenly, every waking hour with her has been a challenge. My friend’s daughter would cry whenever her mom left the room. You can imagine how limiting her days were! Another friend’s son liked to bolt whenever she took him out of the stroller. She always had to stay on her toes.

Toddlers can be exhausting. But if you have a particularly difficult toddler, you’ll need to match his will and then some to ensure he does what he’s told. Too often, we’re sleep-deprived or trying to do too much and discipline falls to the wayside. But don’t give up! This is a really hard time in parenting, and it requires more energy from you. But it’s only a season. You are the best mom to your child. If you have a difficult toddler at this stage, trust that she’s in good hands with you and you can do this job better than anyone. Don’t give up!

Having a toddler is a really hard time in parenting. But it's just a season. Click To Tweet

Don’t. Give. Up. How do you discipline your difficult toddler?


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