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4 Tricks Every Parent Should Know When Raising Kids

School mornings are a bit rough for the Clingenpeel’s. Here are some tips to help your child become a morning person! Though we do our best to plan the night before, it seems that when morning hits, one shoe is always missing its partner, and pouring milk into cereal takes the effort of making a 7-course meal. By the time I drop them off at school, the kids are irritable and it’s not a good start to the day. This is not what I want for my kids, so it’s important to know some ways to improve their attitude and outlook on the day. Here are some parenting 101 tricks every parent should know.

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Ways You Should Spy on Your Kids

I went downstairs to surprise my daughters after arriving home earlier than planned. As I got close to the door where they share a room, I heard the words “are you going to tell mommy?” My ears instantly perked up, and I unashamedly continued to listen. While their little secret turned out to be nothing of importance, that’s not always the case. I am a teen mental health therapist and let me tell you, I have heard the heartbreak that results from parents not protecting their children. That protection is enabled by being aware of your kid’s behaviors and decisions.

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Should Your Child Be Asking You Questions Instead of Alexa/Siri?

We all have some sort of technology in our house, from a coffee maker to a TV. Now we can invest in technology that talks back to us and can answer questions. This means our kids have access too. Kids asking technology questions is not terrible but it can lead down a dangerous path. It reminds me of the time I walked in on my 5-year-old asking Alexa about a certain word I used when I broke a glass on the kitchen floor.

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My Teen was Invited to a Coed Sleepover

Your son just informed you that after the big holiday dance at school all the guys and girls are going to the twins Julia and Jacob’s house and spending the night. He explains that everyone going are just friends and the parents will be at home to supervise. He also describes the sleepover as a solution for your worries about him being out late and making risky decisions. So you are left with the question, “Is this a coed sleepover, and do I let my child go?” Here are some of the teen rationales when asking for permission to attend a coed sleepover:

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5 Ways You Could Fall into an Affair

“I can’t believe I had an affair,” Emily thought to herself. She reflected back on how her affair could have started, but not one thing stood out as the leading cause of her infidelity. Instead, it was a bunch of little things that happened before the first kiss. Seeing him in the preschool pick up line and thinking, he must be such a great husband and dad! Or when setting up the play date for the kids turned into a gripe session over their different marriages. If Emily had been aware of how her behaviors were setting her up to be unfaithful, it may have prevented the destructive results of her affair. So be preventative instead of reactive. Here are 5 ways you could fall into an affair.

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Your Teen is Sexually Active. Now What?

Surprises are fun unless that surprise is accidentally discovering that your teen is sexually active. Here’s an all too familiar scenario and what we as parents can do next if it happens to us: You and your daughter just got home from grocery shopping. She says she needs to use the restroom before she helps unload the groceries. She dashes off, leaving her phone on the counter. As you start putting the produce away, you hear the chime of a text notification. When you instinctively glance in the direction of the sound, you realize that it is your daughter’s phone, and you see it’s from her friend—the one who practically lives at your house during the summer. You yell to your daughter that her friend texted when you happen to read the first few lines on the home screen: “OMG!!! U n Dan did it? How was it? Did it hurt? Tell me everything!” OK, it doesn’t take a Ph.D. to figure out what this is about. You have discovered that your teen is sexually active. Now what? Here are suggestions for how to handle this conversation.

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How to Get Beyond Your Teen’s One Word Answers

We have all been there, where we overhear our kids talking to their friends nonstop about their day, and yet when we ask but 5 minutes later the only thing they say about their day is, ‘Good.’ One word answers can be infuriating. We have spent years trying to get our little ones to quit talking so much and eat their dinner, to now be in a place where they are not even willing to complete a sentence can be frustrating, even hurtful. Here are some tips to walk through with your children when they get to that place where they seem to be allergic to talking to their parents.

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How to Teach Your Son to Be a Servant Leader

I have the blessing of raising two girls and two boys. They each come with their own personality, strengths, and weaknesses. While I feel confident in raising my girls, most likely because I am one, it’s my boys that my heart aches for and where I feel ill-equipped. I perceive there is so much pressure on boys to fit a certain mold of masculinity, intelligence, and leadership. So how can I raise my boys to be themselves, while equipping them to fight against the pressures of who culture tells them to be? Teach them to be servant leaders! Servant Leadership I learned this concept in college, and presently work within a community-based, not-for-profit healthcare system that practices it. Here’s how Robert Greenleaf defined this leadership concept: A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong…The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. In teaching our sons to become servant leaders, we are encouraging them to explore their natural giftings, to discover their role in their communities (friends, family, society), and ultimately establish security in their identity! Here are some suggestions on teaching our boys to become servant leaders.

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Why Do Teens Do Drugs And Drink Alcohol?

High school is the time to experiment, to try out different personalities, appearances, friends, passions, and making drugs and alcohol so enticing. The school systems have been doing a great job of educating the students in health class about the dangers of drugs

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The Enticing World of Sexting and Its Impact on Our Kids

As a Student Assistant Program Therapist at a public high school of 2,300 students as well as a licensed mental health counselor specializing in adolescents, one of the workshops I offer for parents of teens is called Technology and Teens. I go over all the present apps that the majority of adolescents use to educate parents about the potential emotional, relational, and psychological struggles kids could have using these apps. Sexting is always a big topic parents want addressed. And while sexting isn’t an app, there are plenty of apps that are conducive to producing and sharing sexts. And though we can probably guess the negative consequences, legally and socially, let’s talk about 3 dangers of sexting parents need to know about.

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How to Help Your Child Avoid the Performance Curse

I’m not certain when the idea that our performance equates our worth was formulated. However, I do know that many kids and teens feel the pressure to excel in order to feel they are valuable therefore cursing our kids to a life of performance-based worth. This performance curse can lead to terrible stress in children. I see it in their struggles with school, feeling like they are not intelligent. I see it with sports, how one failed play can ruin their whole season in their minds. I see it with their friends, how they need to have a certain number of “likes” and “followers” to feel seen and loved. In their romantic relationships, trying to please their partner even if that means they cross their purity boundary. And even in their spiritual relationship with God, whose love they feel is conditional on their behavior. That is too much pressure to live with. How can we as parents stop perpetuating this distortion of worth? Here are 5 of my suggestions:

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How to Reveal and Heal Your Emotional Scars

When I was 15, I had the traumatic experience of being thrown from a horse. I walked away with a concussion and a multitude of cuts and bruises. To this day, I have scars on my hands and body from the incident. When my son asked recently about the scars on my hands, I was careful to explain the facts of the story without sharing the severity of fear that I felt during the incident.

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