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6 Ways to Help Out a Single Mom

When I was growing up, the child of a single mother, I could tell she was stressed. She had too much to do and not enough time to do it. Between cleaning the house, which she did before we woke up every day, cooking meals and packing lunches, and her own forty-hour work week, she was the only one we relied on for all of our needs. But there was no one to consider her needs.

If you know a single mom, you may not realize the unending struggles she faces. Maintaining a house, a career, and chauffeuring the kids to little league are hard enough when there are two parents sharing the work. But single moms do all this themselves. If you know any single moms, you can show them they are not alone by offering your time and support to them. Get your whole family involved and show your kids that helping others is important.

Here are some ideas on how to help a single mom family:

1. Yard Day.

Get your entire family involved and help with yard work — mow the grass, pull the weeds, hedge the bushes.

2. Time Off.

Give the single mom a night off by offering to babysit. Help her with chores and babysitting, so she can take time off for herself to relax, to go shopping or to spend some one-on-one time with each of her kids. Here are some ideas for her time off. 

3. Taxi Duty.

Help a single mom by offering to pick up her kids from school or soccer practice, particularly if your children attend the same events.

4. Little Pick-Me-Ups.

Let her whole family know you are supporting them with signs of appreciation. These are also great projects that your family can do together. Bake cookies. Make dinner. Create an encouragement card. Treat them to a movie night at your house. Give them a family gift certificate to putt-putt golf. Kids notice their mom’s stress, so you will also be helping eliminate some of their stress as well.

5. Lend an Ear.

Many single moms face emotional struggles, particularly if they are still adjusting to this new lifestyle. Just being a good listener and faithful friend will make a big difference.

6. Holiday Blues.

Holidays can be tough on a single mom family. Holiday traditions have been disrupted, which can be tough on both the adult and the children. A single mom may even face the holidays without her children. So, invite her over for a holiday meal, buy her a small gift (or make a craft) or offer to babysit while she does shopping.

Here are some ways to encourage your single mom friends. Things like being loyal and being a good listener go a long way.

Readers, what ideas do you have to bless single moms?


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