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5 Things I Learned from Mom Blogs

It’s tough to limit this list to 5, because I actually feel like I learn something from mom blogs just about every day–things I should do as a mom and things I shouldn’t do! But, I think the main thing I take away from mom blogs is that most of us are really trying to do a good job in the best way we know how.

1. Have fun with your kids!

My friend Tracey Eyster has taught me to go all out with my kids. She is on the go, go, go. With Tracey as a mom, the word of the day is always fun!

2. There is no perfect mom!

Thank you, Jill Savage, for reminding me that perfect is not the goal of motherhood.

3. Let your light shine!

Through the wonderful enthusiasm and creativity of Courtney Defeo, I am inspired to help my children let their lights shine.

4. Confession is good for the soul!

Okay, this is one I’ve found to be true from writing my own blog. When I confess my mom missteps, I feel relieved and get such support from other moms.

5. Professionals can help!

Dr. Meg Meeker is a mom, a woman of faith, and a pediatrician. I love the way she brings in science, backed by her mom’s intuition, to help mothers grow stronger.

So when you read mom blogs, try not to compare yourself, feel blog-envy, or wish you had someone else’s life. Instead, embrace the life and the children you have. Learn from mom blogs, but live your own life with joy.

And, who are your favorite mom bloggers? If you’re one, don’t be shy! Let us know in the comments section!


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