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A Simple But Powerful Prayer for Your Marriage

There are times in our marriage when we feel like so much is wrong, it seems like it will take years to unravel the mess and get back to something good. When we’re stuck in that mental mire, it’s hard to believe that something simple could actually turn things around. But the power of prayer can.

In the movie War Roomthe main character is doing her best to be a good wife, mother, worker, and sister. But even with all of those good intentions, she is struggling. The friction in her marriage is not only affecting her relationship with her husband, it’s draining the joy out of every area of her life. She responds to her situation with anger, frustration, and sadness… until she meets an elderly woman who gives her hope and changes her life.

This older woman teaches the younger woman the power of prayer. Little by little, the younger woman starts to make prayer a bigger part of her life. Eventually, she zeros in on a simple but powerful prayer for her marriage…  Help him love me again, and help me love him. 

If the idea of adding regular prayer to your life seems daunting, be assured that it’s as simple as having a conversation with God. Download our 30 Day Family Prayer Challenge to get started.

Please share how you have handled adversity in your marriage.


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