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4 Easy Steps to Better Health

Two days before my birthday, my son told me he wanted to buy me a bike. I gave him a big smile and told him I appreciated his thoughtfulness, but an adult bike would cost more than his tiny dinosaur bank currently held. I got the message though; he wants his mom outside playing, riding, and being active with him. I want better health too, and I know it’s not just found in a sweaty morning workout.

But there’s so much information out there about what we should and shouldn’t do for better health that it can be overwhelming to choose what to focus on. So here are 4 easy steps all moms can take to grow healthier and be in better shape for our kids—both mentally and physically.

1. Do five minutes of cardio per day.

Sounds too good to be true, right? But as little as five minutes of cardio a day—jogging (yes, jogging, not even really running fast!), swimming, dancing, whatever gets you moving—statistically improves your life expectancy. According to the Journal of the American Academy of Cardiology, running even five to 10 minutes per day at slow speeds (less than six miles per hour) is associated with markedly reduced risks of death from all causes and cardiovascular disease.

So, take a lap around your office. March in place as you blow your hair dry. Let each of your kids pick a song and dance ’til you sweat. You’ll be on the road to better health in no time.

2. Have faith.

Another tip straight from the research: A study that spans 80 years found that women involved in religious groups lived longer. According to health psychologist, research scientist, and author Dr. Howard Friedman, the social involvement and service to others that went along with being religious explained why people in faith communities, especially religious women, lived longer.

Seek out a small group at your church or if you don’t attend church, pop in one Sunday and check it out. It might take a bit of trial and error to find the place you feel at home, but once you’re there, you’ll find community, a way to tap into serving, and a deeper connection with God.

3. Change your thinking style.

This one comes from Dr. Mike Evans at the White Board Med School site. He says our “greatest weapon against stress is the ability to choose one thought over another.” This means letting go of worry and “choosing where to place your attention.” That squares with Chuck Swindoll’s 90/10 rule as shared by Dr. Evans. It says that “10 percent of how we do in life is based on what happens to us and 90 percent is how we respond.”

Next time you find your thoughts spiraling into worry or negativity, tell yourself, “I choose my thoughts and this one is not sticking around any longer.”

4. Rethink drinking.

Alcohol affects women differently than it affects men. Women’s bodies contain less water, which dissolves alcohol, so we tend to achieve higher concentrations of alcohol in the blood than men. And while many women drink because they think it lowers the risk of heart disease, this is mainly the case in women over the age of 55.

Next time you want a drink, ask yourself why. Is it to deal with stress or to numb yourself to whatever hard feelings you’re feeling? Is it because you think that to be a trendy mom, you have to drink wine at 4 p.m.? Reach for a sparkling water instead. Your waistline, your wallet, and your kids will thank you later.

So first, take the pressure off yourself to go big or go home. You don’t need to start eating paleo. You don’t need to train for a marathon. You don’t have to take drastic measures to get better health. Little by little, Mom, you can do it. Choose even just one of these four things and you’re on your way!

You don't have to take drastic measures to get better health. Click To Tweet

Which of these four things are you already doing? If none, which might you try?


What do you think is the most important part of good health—spiritual, physical, or mental?

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