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So You Have a Strong-Willed Child

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Are you convinced that when you say “no,” your child actually hears “do it anyway!” Maybe it sounds more like “try a different way.” If you have a strong-willed child, you probably find yourself saying no and correcting your child so much that you are starting to dislike the sound of your own voice. But take heart! There’s hope.

In today’s episode, Abby shares a story of an iMOM writer whose daughter’s strong will led her to a creative idea for getting new toys. Cyndi told her daughter she wasn’t getting a toy because it was too expensive. Instead of settling for that answer, her daughter did a little fundraising! You never know how a child’s strong will is going to present itself, but you can bet it will keep you on your toes.

Some kids with a strong will are passionate about their convictions and don’t back down easily. That can come across as defiance, rebellion, or creativity. What a mom has control over is how she reacts to the situation. No matter how your strong-willed child acts, guiding him requires consistency and intention. An attentive mom says, “I see what you want. Let’s figure out the best way to go about getting that while still doing what you’re told.” Being a mom to a strong-willed child also requires you to allow her to experience natural consequences. That way she moves away from listening to her own voice and trusting and toward listening to and trusting you.

Abby, Chloe, Susan, and Megan not only will share ideas for finding ways for your children to have success and channel them to positive things, but they’ll also give ideas for language to use that’s less abrasive or triggering to the child who’s more likely to push back. And don’t forget prayer! They’ll give you a great prayer to say to help you love your strong-willed child well.

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