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Summer Break(down)

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Are you a mom who soaks up summer or does summer break often lead to a breakdown for you? Abby’s story this week is about her conversation with a friend who’s a single mom. She’s panicking as she tries to make plans for her daughter. The iMOM ladies talk about parents’ summer parenting styles and whether there’s too much pressure on moms to provide the perfect summer.

How did you spend summers as a kid? Most of us had relaxed summers of bike riding or camp. Yet we think our kids need an activity scheduled every minute of the day. It’s enough to make us wish school were back in session by the third week of summer. And then there’s this sentiment: “The day your child is born, you only have 18 summers left.” Sometimes, lines like that can make us feel like we have to fill every minute of summer with fun activities and adventures. And don’t forget summer reading and math practice to keep the kids from the summer backslide. While letting your kids stare at screens all summer is definitely not a solid plan, moms need to remember that the ideal summer is a mix of downtime, relaxed learning, and good times with family and friends.

So how do you keep your kids busy (but not too busy), out of trouble, and out of your hair if you have to work? Our iMOM Podcast team has ideas for every mom and the articles and printable below are great resources to help keep you focused on what’s important. Enjoy your summer!

Articles We Mentioned:

9 Things I Pledge to Do or Not Do This Summer

What’s Your Summer Parenting Style

60 Days of Summer Fun

Printables We Think You’ll Like:

The Schedule That Saved Our Summer

Do you have any creative ways to manage the summer?

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