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When You See Your Hard Work Pay Off

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Do you ever wonder if anything you’re doing is working, or if any of the lessons you’re trying to teach your kids are sinking in? If so, you’re not alone. Parenting is a long game, and sometimes you don’t see the fruits of your labor for years. Today’s story from Susan is about a time one of her daughters stepped up and proved she actually had been listening all those years.

Susan’s daughter was in a tricky situation involving some girls in her theater class. When performance night arrived and Emily found gum on her dress (gum that had to have been placed there purposely), Susan was ready to set things straight. But she stayed back, allowed the drama to play out on its own, and was moved by what she saw Emily do.

Teaching our kids values and life skills might feel like a thankless task, but occasionally, you get to see all the hard work pay off in the form of an act of kindness or a wise decision. The hard part about all of this is stepping back to give your child space to prove he or she’s been listening. As hard as it is not to jump in to save the day, that’s what we are called to do as moms. We have to give our kids the freedom to step out from under our umbrella and weather life on their own. Susan’s suggestion is to take time to ponder, pray, and hope that the words you’ve always said will be louder and clearer than any other voices.

Articles we mentioned:

5 Times Teens Grow Right Before Your Eyes

7 Important Values Kids Need Before They Graduate

Susan’s book The Passionate Mom: Dare to Parent in Today’s World

How do you know your kids are listening and learning? Where have you seen your hard work pay off? Tell us in the comments below.

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