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The Wine Mom Culture

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If you search “wine mom memes,” you’ll get 26.5 million results. You’ll see memes like “The most expensive part of having kids is all the wine you have to drink.” and “Parenting is mostly empty threats and full glasses of wine.” If you check Etsy, you’ll see pages of stores that specialize in “mommy juice” glasses. The wine mom culture is pervasive and for many moms, pouring a glass is part of the nightly routine. We’re not here to judge. Abby shares in this episode’s story that she has a glass of wine most nights of the week when she gets done with work and transitions to helping the kids with homework and getting dinner prepped. But when should we stop laughing at the memes and engraved glasses and start asking why a generation of moms feels the need to use alcohol as a parenting crutch?

If you’ve never stopped to think about the wine mom culture, this episode will raise several questions for you to consider. Has it always been like this? Do you feel like you have to drink wine to be a cool mom? Are moms rebelling from the image of perfection we are pressured to maintain? Is there a dad equivalent? And most important—what do our kids think about it?

The role of a mom is demanding. Many of us face pressure at work and then come home to a busy schedule with the kids. It’s no surprise wine is many moms’ best friend. Do you think you could go alcohol-free for a month? What could you do within your friend groups to take the pressure off pouring that glass and, instead, support one another as we bear the load of motherhood?

Articles We Mentioned

Are You Drunk on the Wine Mom Culture?
These 3 Things Surprised Me Most the Month I Went Alcohol-Free
Research on Alcohol Consumption

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Could you go alcohol-free for a month? How much do you think you buy into the wine mom culture?

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