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4 Steps to Streamline Your Day

Every day, the challenge in any mom’s world is this: to complete about 20 hours of tasks in 12 to 14 hours. Work deadlines, household chores, kid needs, grocery shopping—there are a lot of to-dos when you stack them all up. Because I’ve yet to learn how to stop time, I don’t ever get it all done.

But an interview I heard recently caught my interest and gave me a fresh sense of hope! The speaker was explaining the benefits of a four-step plan to streamline the task load in the workplace. As I listened, I realized that the four steps could work in every arena of life, including the home! You can accomplish more in less time and with less frustration—and streamline your day—just by reexamining your daily routines. Gain a little more breathing room in your schedule with these 4 steps for better time management for moms.

Ask question 1: Can I eliminate this task?

Believe it or not, sometimes the answer is yes! Just because you decided last month that your child’s birthday party would include handmade party favors doesn’t mean it has to happen. You could strike through that task and buy some premade treats instead. If it’s coordinating the office party for a colleague who has asked not to have a party, let it go and take her out to lunch instead. There are several ways to eliminate nonessential tasks (and cut yourself some slack) to recapture valuable time every day.

Ask question 2: Can I automate this task?

If you’ve determined that a task must be done, the next step is to assess whether there’s a more efficient way to check it off. Thanks to a world of apps and online tools, a lot of weekly and monthly to-dos can be automated, like paying bills. Sign up for electronic bill paying with your bank, or set recurring bills to auto-pay. What about less tech-centric tasks, such as packing lunches? You can “automate” that to an extent by setting up a lunch-packing station!

Ask question 3: Can I delegate this task?

Moms are notorious for keeping more on our plates than is really necessary. The most productive people at home and in the workplace know how to delegate. At work, it may look like trusting your assistant with more responsibility. At home, it will mean learning to delegate cleaning and other chores to members of the family. What’s even better than delegating? Creating specialists. Here’s how to empower your kids and lighten your load in one move.

The most productive people at home and in the workplace know how to delegate. Click To Tweet

Finally: Do it myself.

If your task won’t disappear with one of the three tools above, it’s one you simply have to roll up your sleeves and tackle. Don’t put it off and occupy more of your brain space than necessary. The good news is you should have more time to do it since you’ve eliminated or streamlined other tasks with this process!

Let’s share some other ideas for time management for moms. What tricks or routines help you eliminate repetitive or unnecessary tasks from your day?


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