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What Will Your Child Struggle With This Year?

When Emily (my second child) went to kindergarten she had a totally different experience than Megan (my first child). Same school, same teacher but not the same kind of year. By the end of Emily’s year, I was mildly concerned and asked for a conference to discuss a few of my observations.

A good teacher is always teaching and on this day Emily’s wise teacher taught me. I learned a lesson that has served me well. This is what she said.

“Susan, you are observing something that I have observed for over 40 years in thousands of students. Every child is different. Megan and Emily are no exception. Children grow every year in four different ways–intellectually, physically, emotionally and relationally. Some children grow quite evenly in all four areas. Other children have rapid growth spurts in one or two areas and then are delayed in others. For example, a 5-year-old child may have the intellect of a 7-year-old, but the social skills of a 4-year-old. At some point in the future, if you as the mother and me as the teacher stay the course by training and teaching, they will all reach their potential. It just won’t look the same.”

Emily’s teacher’s words calmed my fears as they should yours. Your child, your children, all children are different. And all children will have struggles from school year to school year. Struggling in school is normal for all children at some point. But if we stay the course, training them as they go, they will all reach their potential in different ways. To stay on top of the training consider…

What will your child struggle with this school year?

To help, here is a list of resources that we have created over the years for common school-related struggles:


Articles to learn:

Printables to use:


Articles to learn:

Printables to use:


Articles to learn:

Printables to use:


Articles to learn:

Printables to use:

healthy meal planningEbook to use: How to Make Every School Year Count

Technology: Take Note

Articles to learn:

Printables to use:

We would love to know, what is your child struggling in school with? What struggles are you observing that are not in the list above?


What do you think will be your greatest challenge this year?

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