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10 Habits Happy Women Share

There’s a woman at my kids’ school who has the cheeriest disposition. I find myself watching her in the morning car line and questioning where she finds the energy. Is it coffee? Exercise? More coffee? Maybe she shouts affirmations at herself in the rearview mirror on the way to work. Whatever it is, it’s working. She’s one of those happy women whose smile is contagious.

Some happy women don’t have that energy level, but they do have something inside of them that gives them peace, joy, and confidence. Those women share 10 habits that are within reach for you, too. Which one would increase the happiness factor most for you?

1. Gratitude

It’s not happy people who are grateful but grateful people who are happy. Research shows gratitude is one of the top factors leading to happiness. It’s a choice to see the good on a hard day, to look for beauty in the ordinary, and to find joy in small things. A habit of gratitude opens our eyes to see even more for which to be thankful.

It’s not happy people who are grateful but grateful people who are happy. Click To Tweet

2. Self-Care

Self-care includes taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This includes exercising regularly and getting enough sleep. It’s filling your emotional love tank. When we’re emotionally and physically nourished, we have a greater sense of well-being and are happier.

3. Faith Over Fear

Fear is a thief that not only steals the happiness of the present but robs us of the joy to come. Faith is a choice to walk with God. When we walk with God, we can trust that he’s in control and smile at the days ahead.

4. Self-Acceptance

Happy women are kind to themselves. They don’t give in to negative self-talk but instead embrace their God-given talents and personality in their parenting, work, and pursuits. They understand their personality, take advantage of their strengths and work on accepting and working past their weaknesses.

5. Giving Generously

Doing good appears to be good for you. Experts call it the helper’s high—when endorphins flood the body from doing for others, making us happy.

6. Enjoying Hobbies

Hobbies like gardening, cooking, or crafting are great for channeling passions and gifts for sheer enjoyment. They help us de-stress and often connect us to a community that shares our passion. And remember, hobbies aren’t must-do’s—they’re get-to’s, which generate happiness.

7. Cheering Instead of Comparing

Comparing ourselves to others highlights what we don’t have and causes us to envy what someone else does. Happy women turn comparison on its head by cheering others on. That kind of authentic encouragement always creates deeper joy for the person doing the encouraging.

8. Forgiveness

Stewing over past hurts and offenses leads to bitterness and a victim mentality, which becomes a roadblock to happiness. Choosing to forgive brings peace and helps us use that energy to move forward positively.

9. Saying No

Over-committing to activities and demands only leads to exhaustion and quickly saps our joy. Learning to say no is a wise habit happy women share that reserves their capacity for things that matter most and bring the most happiness.

10. Contentment

So many people postpone happiness. They tell themselves that when XYZ happens, they’ll be happy.” But happy women have learned to be content in the present circumstances. They haven’t given up on their dreams—they’ve chosen happiness on the way there.

What is one step you can take this week to cultivate happiness?

If you need a reminder of these happy habits, here’s a free printable!


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