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3 End of School Year Must-Dos

You’re almost there—the end of the school year! And yes, we mean you—not just your kids. Moms have a great deal of responsibility each day to help their kids do well at school from simply encouraging to teaching good study and homework skills. It’s a year of hard work for everyone, and a cause for celebration!

But before you throw the confetti and head to the pool, take just a moment to wrap-up some important details. Doing so will make sure your child gets the maximum benefit from the teacher she just spent a full year with and will help her get off to a great start in the fall.

Check out our 3 Must Dos to End the School Year Well, and get ready to celebrate!

1. Do a year-end assessment.

Ask your teacher to give you insight in your child’s academic strengths and weaknesses at the end of the year. If there are areas where he may be able to improve, ask the teacher’s advice on resources and summer enrichment opportunities that would be beneficial. Get the most out of your conference time with these tips! And remember: There are some areas of your child’s life that you alone have the most information about. Use our assessment tool to gauge where your child is and how they’re doing in a variety of important areas, and make a plan for positive change where it may be needed, either academically, socially or physically.

2. Put together a plan for summer.

If your child needs a bit of academic help to get off to a good start in the fall, locate the resources or tutors you’d like to use. Summer is also an excellent time to encourage your kids to do more reading. Check out our lists of favorite titles for child of varying ages:

3. Celebrate the wins.

In every school year, there are wins: new skills acquired, new friends made, old fears conquered. Name them and let each child bask in the glow of all they’ve achieved! Praise for a job well done helps us all to tackle the next big challenge—like another school year in August.


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