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Micro-Resolutions That Will Maximize Your Year

I walked into my mom’s kitchen and saw a 24 by 24 whiteboard on the fridge, covered in writing in nearly every color of the rainbow. The days of the week were written across the top, and down the side were meals and snacks. Each space had a meal plan plus the calorie count. Three weeks later, I noticed there were a few blanks, some smudges, and some vague meals without the calorie count. A week later I noticed nothing had changed. I understood. I’ve done the same thing so many times, I’ve lost count.

If I were as motivated a month into any meal plan, workout schedule, or budget strategy as I am when I first kick it off, I’d be healthy and fit with a nice balance in my savings account. But keeping up motivation is brutal. Same for you? What if this new year, we set micro-resolutions that only require us to stick with a plan for a month? That sounds like a bunch of little successes to me. Here are the basics of micro-resolutions and 5 ideas for micro-resolution themes I think you’ll love.

What if this new year, we set micro-resolutions that only require us to stick with a plan for a month? That sounds like a bunch of little successes to me. Click To Tweet

Why Micro-Resolutions Are the Way to Go

According to one study, only about 46% of Americans stick to a resolution longer than six months. I’m certain I’ve never lasted more than three. But with micro-resolutions, every month feels fresh, like a new January. By switching the goal up every month, you only have to stick with your micro-resolution for 31 days, max.

Micro-resolutions also give you the opportunity to try something you’ve been curious about but aren’t sure you want to commit to long-term. Maybe eating a vegetarian or paleo diet intimidates you. Think micro and you’re “trying paleo for a month” instead of “going paleo.”

So how do you decide what 12 micro-resolutions to do? I love the idea of picking a theme for the year. Here are a few ideas.

Fasting Micro-Resolutions

Go a whole year without sweets? No way. But 30 days… Now that’s doable. You could fast from Amazon purchases, social media, gossip, sitting at work. Going without something you’re accustomed (or maybe addicted) to can be an eye-opening experience. When I went alcohol-free for a month, I slept better, saved money, and realized how much alcohol was tied to my social experiences.

Discovery Micro-Resolutions

Maybe you’re not inspired by deprivation. Fair enough. Let your mind explore something new or exotic. Try Duolingo for a month and start learning a new language. Attempt a new workout style like kickboxing or barre. Read a book about a culture that’s different from your own. Buy an air fryer and convert old recipes to new, healthier ones.

“Well-Rounded You” Micro-Resolutions

A lot of new year’s resolutions center on the physical, but we aren’t just bodies. Go with this theme and rotate between mind, body, and spirit month to month. Each day of April, you can meditate for 10 minutes. In May, take a walk every evening after dinner. And in June, spend five minutes praying while your coffee is brewing each morning. By the end of the year, you’ll have worked on all three parts of yourself and be a more well-rounded you.

Relationship Micro-Resolutions

Need to work on connecting with the people in your life? Go with this theme and text an encouraging word to a different person every day for a month. Put lunchbox notes in with your kids’ PB&Js. Read a book with your husband and have a book club meeting twice a week.

Word-of-the-Year Micro-Resolutions

Do you pick a word of the year? I always do and then I’m not quite sure what to do with it. All I ever do is write the word down so I can keep it top of mind, but making it the theme for 12 months of micro-resolutions could be pretty powerful. I know a few moms who have chosen the word “peace.” Their resolutions could include setting their alarm 15 minutes early so they have more time to pray in the morning, turning off screens after 6 p.m., or something as simple as lighting a candle each evening to change the mood in your home.

What micro-resolution theme sounds the most interesting to you?


Which is the most important part of ourselves to care for: body, mind, or spirit?

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