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Can a People Pleaser Be an Assertive Mom?

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Uh oh. We’re in trouble. We’re doing an episode on people pleasing, and we realized all four of us are people pleasers. We need an intervention! How about you? Do you care a little too much about making other people happy? Are you pleasing others to the detriment of your own health or casting off your own opinion and desires? Many women are people pleasers, so you’re in good company, but how do we shake off the need to please others, especially once we have kids to care for?

In this episode, Chloe shares how much she likes to go with the flow and let others call the shots. That is, until she had her son and now has another person to think about. How can she shift gears out of people pleaser mode and be more assertive? If she doesn’t, she’ll have a fussy baby on her hands. Abby could totally relate as she said she had a person in her life when her kids were little who was very opinionated and assertive. She admitted it’s hard to put your foot down when you’re up against someone older or more experienced in motherhood.

In this episode, we discuss what’s behind people pleasing. What are our motivations? Why are women more likely to be people pleasers? What does people pleasing communicate about your self-worth? We also talk about when people pleasing spills over into your relationship with your kids. Their approval becomes more important than parenting the way you believe is right. How do you know when you’re at that point? If you want to overcome the tendency to make other people happy at the expense of yourself, we’ll also give some (hopefully) helpful tips to put into practice.

Articles We Mention

5 Things a Recovering People Pleaser Should Practice
My Son Laughs When I Yell. It Used to Drive Me Crazy.

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