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Finding (and Keeping) Good Mom Friends

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Chloe is in her third trimester, and as her life is about to change in big and small (but mostly big) ways, she’s wondering how her friendships will change. Being a mom does indeed affect how you connect with friends. You might need them more than ever, but your energy, time, and mental capacity has shifted to your kids. In this episode, we talk about how to keep old friends, how to know when a friendship’s season has passed, and what to do to find women you can connect with.

According to research, Americans have fewer close friends than we once did. We talk to our friends less often and rely less on friends for personal support. Is this true for your life? Do you have one or two friends? Many moms say they are surrounded by women because of school and extra activities but can’t find ones with whom they click. Relationships can feel surface-level or transactional. Then there’s the unicorn mom. Have you heard of her? This is the mom who has kids around your kids’ ages and lives close by, and you actually enjoy hanging out with her. We added to the list: Your husbands get along, too. Maybe that’s the “golden unicorn!”

Beyond finding that rare friend, in this episode, we talk about when friendships need to be released, what to do if you and a friend parent differently, and how to invest in friendships when you’re busy and tired. And one last thing—we hope you consider us your friends!

Articles We Mentioned

3 Friendships It Might Be Time to End
Why the Right Mom Friends Really Matter
The State of American Friendship: Change, Challenges, and Loss
What’s a ‘unicorn mom friend’?

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What are your friendships like? And how have those relationships changed as life has changed?

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