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I’m Weird, Too

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When kids feel weird, it can break a mom’s heart. When Abby’s son told her he’s “weird,” her response was, “Me too. Let’s talk about it.” Do your kids ever tell you they don’t feel like they fit in, or that something about them makes them insecure? Abby’s story reminds us that kids aren’t the only ones who feel weird. Moms do too!

It started early one morning before school. Abby found her son teary-eyed in his room. He didn’t want to go to school because his lips were chapped. He said it made him weird. The iMOM team chats about why Abby’s first response was to say that she feels weird too. All women feel like they don’t fit in in some way. We either don’t dress on-trend, we don’t decorate the house as beautifully as a friend does, or we don’t throw Pinterest-worthy parties. Instead of seeing our strengths, we focus on what we lack.

How do you respond to feelings of insecurity? Does the way your house looks keep you from inviting friends over? Every woman has had to get dressed for a dinner out, a wedding, or even church and felt like nothing fits and nothing looks good. But do you allow those feelings to ruin your mood and hold you back from doing things and experiencing life with the people you love?

As we work on our own feelings of self-worth, we also have to console and coach our children. So practice saying positive words to yourself just like you do for your children.

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How do you feel different from other moms? How do you help your kids handle feeling weird? Tell us in the comments. 

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