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Laughing When You Want to Cry

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Deep breaths, Mom. Deep breaths. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to laugh at a situation instead of cry. Every day, moms experience some chaos, mishap, tantrum, or interaction that can tip the scales either way. Sometimes, the red sock in the load of whites breaks us, and other times, we shrug and say, “It’s just clothes!” In this episode of the iMOM Podcast, we talk about how to lean into the laughter instead of the tears.

Why is it that the silliest things can push us over the edge? We’re doing fine, and then we burn the grilled cheese. Cue the breakdown! Is it because we put too much pressure on ourselves to do the little things perfectly? “I can’t even make grilled cheese!” A lot of women confess to perfectionist tendencies. Could that be at the root of the tears, or could we be taking things too seriously?

Some of us get really worked up over “stuff.” And who can blame us? We work hard to buy the things we have. When our kids write on the coffee table with a Sharpie or leave a bike lying in the driveway (What was that crunching noise?), understandably, we get upset. So, what’s the trick to laughing off those moments? 

The thing about laughing when things go wrong or when mistakes happen is that it teaches our kids how not to take things too seriously. They learn what it means to offer grace to themselves and others. And if we can shake off our “oopsies,” they’ll be less afraid to make mistakes. That leads to more growth and healthy risk-taking. 

One final thing: Sometimes, crying is the right response. If our kids only hear us say “No biggie!” they won’t learn that being upset is an acceptable emotion. If you’re a crier or you have big emotions, it’s OK. You’re showing your kids a powerful example, too.

Articles We Mentioned

5 Ways to Laugh Instead of Cry
All Pro Dad Podcast Ep. 8: What Are 7 Things a Son Needs From His Dad?
Folex – the miracle cleaning solution Megan and Susan talked about

Do you have any advice for laughing when you want to cry?

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