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Protecting a Child Who Wants to Follow the Crowd

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Why are some kids more susceptible to peer pressure while others naturally march to the beat of their own drums? Do you have a child who wants to follow the crowd? In today’s episode, Chloe tells a story about wanting to be liked as a kid and compromising some of the things she’d been taught to avoid. She confesses that she desired (and still desires) to be liked by people but also wants to be seen as unique. That’s the case with adolescents today. Two things that define the period are the kids’ desire to fit in and their desire to be their own people. When you consider that dichotomy, it’s pretty mind-blowing. So we talk about how a mom can walk a child through this period when so many choices are being made with these two seemingly conflicting goals.

We also discuss a study published in Psychological Science that supports the claim that adolescents are wired to go along with their peers. So if kids’ brains reward them for doing what’s popular, we’re fighting quite a battle. Why do you think the battle is tougher with some kids? It could be the crowd they hang out with. If that’s the case with your child, we talk about which factors are most important in helping kids make good choices about friend groups: the boundaries parents set (curfew, tech, rules), knowing the other parents, or talking openly with your child about her future. We wrap up the episode by sharing ways to encourage kids to make their own choices. If you have a child who is quick to change style, preferences, personality, or habits because of a friend’s choice, this episode will give you the tools and conversations to start to help her appreciate what makes her different.

Articles We Mentioned

How to Prepare Your Child to Resist Peer Pressure
Washington Post article: ‘Like’ it or not, teen brain is primed to join the crowd

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peer pressureprayer for studentspraying for teenagers

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