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When Extracurriculars Are Extra

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Does it ever seem like keeping up with your kids’ extracurricular activities is a part-time job? In this episode, Megan’s story about doing all the things as a kid and becoming the unexpected swim team captain has us all asking: What do you do when these activities become too extra? More activities add so much extra—extra pressure, extra money, extra time, and extra drama. 

Megan’s mom, Susan, shares her perspective of shuffling five kids’ schedules and balancing activities like piano, football, and theater. She said she loved it, but Abby confesses that she doesn’t want to be a soccer mom who spends her Saturday mornings on the sidelines. Is that horrible? The podcast team also talks about what to do when your kids aren’t great at an activity. When do you let them move on to something else, and when do you make them see the commitment through? Where’s the line between encouraging and pressuring? And then there’s the more complicated issue of whether you should tell your kids if they aren’t very good at something.

Single moms, we get your predicament, too. It’s not easy to do it all yourself. Abby shares how tricky it is to get her kids involved in activities while she’s co-parenting. Both Mom and Dad have to be on board to pick up and drop off on their assigned days. Managing to make it all work takes a lot of effort and cooperation from both sides. When you see your kids growing in character through their extracurricular activities, it makes all the extras worth it.

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Is It OK to Tell Your Kids They Aren’t Good at Something?

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Are you feeling like extracurriculars are a little extra?  How do you balance it all? Tell us in the comments. 

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