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Good Character Traits: Wisdom

Downloadable Resources to Build Wisdom


How to Use the Resources to Teach Wisdom

For a fun and structured way to build character in your kids all year long, download the calendar and stickers.

Each calendar month focuses on a unique character trait. And each character trait has a unique printable teaching resource to help you build character in your child. You can download it below.

The resource includes:

    • definition card – to build an understanding of wisdom.
    • verse card – to memorize why wisdom is important.
    • question/challenge – to discuss or practice wisdom.
    • character certificate – to recognize monthly progress in acquiring wisdom.
    • reward coupon – to have fun and show your child how proud you are of them!

Use some or all of the resources to build wisdom in your child all month. You can also use the printable sticker sheet to cut out and place stickers on dates you see your child showing the trait you’re working on that month. You just need one 8.5″ x 11″ sheet of sticker paper.

Wisdom is just one of the 12 character traits we want to help you build in your kids. Here are more.

Why wisdom is important for kids

We have heard of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, obviously. They are the main characters of Christmas. But some of the most interesting and mysterious people in the story are the wise men. They studied the stars, rode camels, and traveled from a far-off land to see the newborn child. Then they followed a star to see Jesus and brought gifts fit for a king. They also listened to God’s warning to take a different route home to avoid the evil plot of King Herod. This likely meant a harder, longer trip. It was also the wiser, safer one.

Not everything the wise men did seemed smart, but wisdom is not always culturally smart. Wisdom is having the experience and good judgment to know what’s right and to do it.

Moms, wisdom is so much more important for your child’s future than being smart! In fact, as your child ages, wisdom is a character quality that keeps them safe. But, teaching our kids to be wise is a challenge. The world in which they live is filled with easy access to people who want to influence and stream information. Not all of it true, not all of it wise. Your children will need wisdom to navigate between right and wrong.

How to teach wisdom to your kids

Compare smarts with wisdom.

Kids need to know the difference. Older kids who get grades on tests may understand this concept more clearly. Just because you ace exams doesn’t mean you’ll make wise decisions. Explain the distinction clearly.

Encourage self-control.

This goes hand-in-hand with wisdom because the wise choice is often the choice that requires us to set boundaries and stick to them.

Role-play with your kids.

Give them hypothetical scenarios to consider and ask them how they would handle each. Discuss the wisest plan of action. Praise them for thinking critically.

Share a personal story of a time you were unwise.

Kids learn well through examples. You have an entire adult life of decisions that can demonstrate what it’s like to be wise and unwise. Revealing our poor choices can provide our kids with learning moments.

Encourage questions.

The wisest people are the ones most dedicated to learning. It can get annoying to hear “why?” all the time from children, but don’t stifle their curiosity. Those questions are seeds for wisdom to grow.


What’s a story or show that involves someone making a wise choice?

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