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7 Ways Your Family Can End This Year Well

December and January—these months are back-to-back, but man do they have different vibes. I watch all the movies, swear off vegetables, and hardly know what day it is throughout much of December. But come January, there’s a habit tracker on my fridge and a full glass of water at my side at all times, and every minute of the day is scheduled for optimal performance.

The thing is, December isn’t a throwaway month—not for you personally and not for your family. It holds just as much potential as January, and dare I say more because of the gift of perspective and the feeling of finality. So set your peppermint mocha aside for just a minute and check out these 7 ideas for how to end the year well for your family.

1. Ask important questions.

Make a production of this. Call a family meeting around the dining room table, turn off the TV, and put the phones away. Tell your kids their input matters. You can ask whatever questions you think will lead your family into a good conversation, but a few ideas are “Did we take time to rest?” “Is there anything that needs to be forgiven?” and “What challenges did we face this year, and how did we get through them?”

2. Share highs and lows.

Take turns sharing the best and toughest parts of the year. You might need to scroll through photos on your phone to jog everyone’s memories. By naming the highs and lows, you’ll be reminded that you did it all as a family, and that whatever the next year brings, you’ll get through it together.

3. Pick a word that describes the year.

Picking a word of the year in January is a popular practice. I’ve done it for years. My words have included confidence, light, and heal. What if before you pick your word and set your intention for the year ahead, you look back and sum up the 365 days that have gone by? If the word “chaos” comes to mind, maybe “peace” or “simplify” would be a good word come January.

4. Help one more person.

Lending a hand is a great idea for how to end the year well for your family because it’ll make a difference in someone else’s life, and who doesn’t want to wrap up a year making someone feel good? Go grocery shopping for a food bank, shovel the snow out of a neighbor’s driveway, or wrap presents for a friend who is working long hours. Teach your children that helping one person is just as important as helping a lot of people.

5. Review your family mission statement.

Maybe you wrote a mission statement a while ago and put it on the fridge, but now it’s under a piece of your son’s art and no one even looks at it. Dig it out, read it together as a family, and survey the group to see if they think everyone’s living up to the mission. If the answer is no, set some concrete plans for the year ahead.

6. Do something fun with just your family.

We get pulled in so many directions at the holidays. Take the days before the new year to do something with just your crew. You could start a new tradition like a year-end bake-off, an ice skating trip followed by hot chocolate, or a Sunday matinee.

7. Name your hopes for next year.

End the year well for your family by sharing what you want for the coming year. This is a chance to hear what’s on your kids’ minds. Maybe your daughter wants to try out for track, or your son is hoping to earn enough money to buy a new computer. Your husband might share that he wants to join a men’s Bible study or rest more on Sundays. When you speak your hopes out loud in front of people who want the best for you, you’ll find you have a built-in support system.

When you speak your hopes out loud in front of people who want the best for you, you’ll find you have a built-in support system. Click To Tweet

What else can you do to end the year well for your family?


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