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Creative Date Nights

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We always end our episodes by saying to “email us!” Lisa did after hearing the episode about putting your husband first. She said, “We’re not doing our kids or ourselves any favors by not putting each other first. Not just for our marriage, but a picture for our kids too.” Lisa said she really connected with the comment about not having time or money for dates, and she shared some ideas for creative date nights she and her husband did. Thanks for the inspiration for this episode, Lisa!

One of Lisa’s ideas was to go on coffee shop dates with a deck of playing cards, which is super cute, simple, and affordable. But the idea of Lisa’s that got us all laughing and talking was the coin system her sister and friends used to use to exchange babysitting services. Listen to find out how this strange currency made date nights possible for these couples.

The message Lisa wanted to share is that in order to make your marriage a priority, you sometimes have to get creative or rethink the traditional date night. This is especially true if money is tight like it was for her and her husband when their kids were little. So we all shared our favorite dates with our husbands and noticed a common theme: Each one was thoughtful.

For you, what do you want to take away most from a date? What are you looking to gain from time alone with your husband? That might change depending on the day, so we discussed four types of dates to go on and what to do (or not do) on the date to make the most of the time.

Articles We Mentioned

10 Ways to Date Your Husband Again
5 Simple Date Night Ideas for a Fun Marriage
How Ditching “Netflix and Chill” Can Lead to a Happier Marriage
What Kind of Date Night Do You Need?
Morning Date Ideas for A.M. Romance!
10 Ways to Save on Your Date Night

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In what creative ways do you fit in date nights?

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