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The Sky Is Falling: How to Avoid Parenting Out of Fear

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Buckle up, because today’s episode will have you white-knuckled. Susan and Megan tell Chloe and Abby about the time their family of seven (plus a stranger with a dog) took a puddle jumper to the Bahamas and nearly crashed. No, this isn’t an episode about flight safety, but the iMOM podcast team does talk about Susan’s intuition that something was going to go wrong, how she has learned to listen to or ignore that voice, and how to avoid parenting out of fear.

Because fear and motherhood often go hand-in-hand, Megan talks about being fearful for the health of her newborn; Abby shares about the dread she sometimes feels when she drops her kids off at school and watches them walk away; and Chloe shares about the trends she’s seen from moms on social media. So how do you keep mom fear at bay and how do you avoid parenting out of fear? They’ll give some concrete ideas plus wisdom about how to pray for your kids to give yourself peace. And Susan talks about how to fight the urge to act out of fear and anxiety and instead, take the time to wait and discern if there’s really anything to be afraid of.

And remember, don’t fear for your children because they’re growing up in a world that has dangers or threats that scare you. Don’t feel sorry for them either. God created them and called them for this exact moment in time. Feel honored that God chose you to parent them as they face these challenges, and step up to the challenge yourself.

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5 Ways to Keep Mom Fear at Bay

5 Areas of Mom Anxiety

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What fears do you struggle with the most and what’s something you want to start doing to manage them?

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