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Is Your Family Experiencing Technoference?

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You might not use the word “technoference” very often, but chances are, you’re experiencing technoference. It’s a fancy word for technology interfering with relationships and communication. We blame kids for being in front of screens all the time, but researchers and scholars are beginning to recognize the adverse effects parental use of digital devices can have on parent-child relationships. So the finger is being pointed at us now, too.

In today’s episode, Abby tells the story of the month when her family gave up screens after dinner. Finding ways to fill the evenings was challenging and revealed how much they rely on TV, phones, and tablets to entertain themselves instead of talking to each other. Chloe, Megan, and Susan chime in with which technology is most distracting for them and when they find it most tempting.

Do you often find you’re “absent present” with your kids or husband? That’s when you are physically there but focused on something else, and technoference is often the cause. You’re waiting for a text during dinner or scrolling your Instagram feed during your child’s swim meet. Being aware is a good first step in getting it under control. Another important step is identifying ways technology adds stress to your life and limiting technology in peak times with your family. If reading the news gives you gray hairs, leave checking your favorite news site until the kids are in bed (or eliminate it altogether). Hopefully, this episode will give you ideas for showing your kids that they are more important to you than anything that requires a battery charge!

Articles We Mentioned

3 Ways to Keep Technoference From Hurting Your Family
How I Made Myself Stop Scrolling
This Easy Move Gives Kids Your Undivided Attention
Phubbing: Do You and Your Husband Do It?
CNBC Article: Dumb Phones Are on the Rise
Developmental Psychology Experiment on Interruptions

Do you have any tricks that help you put technology away so it doesn’t interfere with your relationship with your kids or husband?

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