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Should Kids Get a Mental Health Day?

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It’s not uncommon for an adult to take time off of work and call it a mental health day. The phrase has really come to mean a day when you’re not sick, but it’s not a vacation either. Actually caring for your mental health isn’t necessarily part of the equation. Because of greater attention to mental health in young adults and children, now some states are now offering students excused absences to take mental health days. In today’s story, Abby tells Chloe, Susan, and Megan her complicated relationship with taking days off of school and how it’s spilled over into her parenting and her work life.

The conversation around taking mental health days is not a simple one. The fact that mental health issues are being talked about and not shamed or only spoken about in hushed tones is huge progress. And it’s true that kids can struggle with adult-sized issues like depression, stress, and other mental health disorders, but is a day off of school the right approach? If you allow your child to take a mental health day, what does she do that day? Is one day enough of a relief?

Do your kids ask for days off of school because there’s too much on their plate? It’s not easy, but if our kids are overwhelmed at school, it might be time to look at their schedules and cut back. If weekends and evenings are packed with activities and there’s no room for kids to relax, sleep, or decompress, not going to school is sending a message to your kids about what takes the top spot in the list of priorities.

So how do you know if your kids should take a mental health day or if you should make them power through? Only you know your child. A wise decision about missing school requires observation, communication, and planning.

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