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25 Little Ways You Show Your Kids Love

My daughter went through a fantastic phase when a dozen times a day, she said, “You’re the best!” I’d kiss her good morning, send her off to school, tuck her in bed, and at every stop, she’d give me this little ego boost. I have to admit, I loved it! But I kind of wondered why she thought this. I mean, I still took away privileges, said no to dessert, and made her pick up her dirty clothes. Parents love their kids, but I think it’s the little things that really make an impression on them.

The little things you do every day add up. You’re likely doing so many things every day that make your child feel loved, and you don’t even think twice about it! Here are 25 ways a parent’s love adds up and makes your kid feel loved.

When You’re at Home

A parent’s love is unconditional, but there are little things kids love and appreciate when we’re with them. These things communicate our love in ways that show how much they mean to us!

1. You listen to what they have to say and make eye contact when they’re talking.

2. You ooooh and ahhhhh over their creations.

3. You grab them for hugs. You rub his back when he’s bent over his homework. You run your fingers through her hair when shehug a day asks for braids. The Society for Personality and Social Psychology says that children benefit from your affection by gaining “higher self-esteem, improved academic performance, better parent-child communication, and fewer psychological and behavioral problems.” So, keep doing what you’re doing, Mom! Our A Hug a Day printable stuck to the fridge can remind you to give hugs freely and often!

4. You leave your phone in your pocket. Or you stick it there when your child’s around. You know he wants your attention, so you don’t make him compete for it.

5. You ask for their opinions on things like family vacations and dinner choices. You validate their concerns and empathize when they get frustrated or pout.

6. You don’t always wait for an invitation to play but often ask them first.

7. You ask for their help and make them feel important. You also know you’re teaching them valuable skills in the process when you bring them to the stove, to the laundry room, and to many other places around the home. Their “help” sometimes makes a task take longer, but you’re patient with them because learning something new takes time.

8. You tuck them into bed at night, read a story, and say prayers with them. You still give kisses and cuddles because your child loves that part best.

9. You look happy to see them when they enter a room. Your face reveals your love, and this boosts your child’s self-worth.

When You’re Both Out and About

Of course, parents love their kids. But being a mom isn’t easy. And it can get even harder when you’re coaxing kids in and out of cars or attempting to get errands done. But my guess is even when you’re feeling stressed, or while your kids are pushing your limits, you show your love in these ways and more.

10. You reach for his or her hand for safety, but also just because.

lunchbox notes for kids

11. At a park, you give your child room to explore without hovering.

12. You meet up with friends who have kids so your child can socialize too.

13. You talk or sing with your child in the car.

14. You keep screens tucked away more often than not so your child can take in the world around her.

15. You answer your child’s questions with a crazy amount of patience.

16. You’re flexible with “five more minutes” and “one more push.”

17. When you say “no” to your child, you explain why.

A mom's love doesn't stop when her child's out of sight. Click To Tweet

When They’re at School

Even though you thank God for the break when your kids are at school, you also find yourself thinking about them during the day. Is my child understanding the material? Is she sitting with someone at lunch? A parent’s love doesn’t stop when they’re out of sight.

18. They read the note you secretly slipped into their lunchbox earlier that morning.

19. You pick them up on time. Most of the time, you’re also wearing a genuine smile, happy to see them.

20. You volunteer at the class party or chaperone a field trip (you might not be able to do it all the time, but you fit it in when you can).

pray for your child at school21. You attend parent-teacher conferences. Showing up and investing time in your child’s education is another way a parent’s love is communicated to her kids.

22. You sit in the audience during concerts, and you tell your child your favorite song afterwards.

23. You support the school fundraiser by donating time or money. You give what you can, and even if it’s not as much as the next family, it shows your child your love.

24. You don’t rescue them every time they forget something. It’s tough! But you remind yourself (and them) that they need to learn from these experiences.

25. You pray for them. Download our 10 Ways to Pray for your Child at School for some helpful guidance and a visual reminder to pray while your kids are away!

A parent’s love shapes a child’s life! What other ways do you show your love?


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