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Loving (and Juggling) Multiple Kids

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When you found out you were pregnant with your second, third, or fourth baby (or more!), did you wonder how you could possibly love another child as much as the one you have? Or, more realistically, did you stress that there wouldn’t be enough of you to go around? In this iMOM Podcast episode, Abby, Megan, and Susan welcome back ESPN’s Laura Rutledge to talk about juggling multiple kids and showing love to each one when and how they need it.

When you decide to have another baby, so many questions pop up. There are the practical ones, like “Do we need a different car?” and “Who’s going to share a room?” Then there are the overwhelming ones, like “How do we afford another child?” And there are also the questions that seem to answer themselves, like, “Will these kids love each other?” and “How can my heart possibly have room for another little person?”

No matter your worries, every day is an adventure when you have multiple kids. You get to see them interact, and you notice how their personalities play off one another. We also chat about how the firstborns step up and the younger kids find their voices to be heard.

What’s amazing is that as we learn how to love and juggle multiple kids, we grow. We do things we never thought we could! If you’re worried about whether you’re cut out to be the mom of multiple kids, we’ll give you a word of encouragement that will remind you that motherhood and siblings are a blessing that don’t need to be questioned with fear or anxiety. Find Laura on Instagram @LauraMRutledge.

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